First Trimester Exercise Tips and Modifications

The first trimester can be a truly humbling experience, but that doesn't mean we can't support our body in the process. It just might look a little different than you're used to.

As the first episode in our trimester series, I'm walking you through some of the physical and physiological changes you'll experience in this leg of pregnancy, as well as how you can expect to feel.

I'll also be sharing mindset and exercise tips that will help you support your body and feel the best you can as you inch your way towards the 2nd trimester. You'll learn what a sample exercise routine could look like in the first trimester as well as important modifications!

This episode is jam packed and a great one for newly pregnant mamas!

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • the physical and physiological changes your body is making

  • exercise tips and modifications, including a sample first trimester fitness plan

  • mindset and overall wellness tips when you’re struggling in the first trimester

More Resources!

Show Notes:

Hey, everyone! Welcome back to the Strong Mama Podcast. It's Nicole here, and I'm thrilled to kick off 2024 with the first episode of our trimester series. If you caught our last episode on goal setting and the truths about navigating it during pregnancy and postpartum, you might recall my promise to delve into each trimester. Well, the time has come! Today, we're focusing on the rollercoaster ride that is the first trimester. So buckle up, and let's dive into the intricacies of body changes, symptoms, and exercise modifications that come with those initial weeks of pregnancy.

Before we unravel the mysteries of the first trimester, I have something exciting for you. I've just released a brand-new free guide, "Pregnancy Exercise Modifications by Trimester." This comprehensive guide is your go-to resource for safe and effective exercise during pregnancy. From exercise modifications to trimester-specific suggestions, it's all in there. Check it out in the show notes—it's free, and I know you'll find it incredibly valuable.

Alright, let's talk about the first trimester—the sometimes challenging, often exhausting, but ultimately awe-inspiring journey into early pregnancy. No sugarcoating here; the first trimester is tough. It hits everyone differently, and while some sail through with minimal symptoms, others find themselves wrestling with waves of nausea, fatigue, and a range of emotions. Exercise during this time? Well, let's get real about it.

Managing Expectations: Embracing the First Trimester Reality

Expecting moms, here's the honest truth—your ability to stay active might take a hit in the first trimester. I get it; this isn't the news you're itching to hear, but setting realistic expectations is key. Drawing from personal experiences across my pregnancies, I've had to embrace more rest than I initially planned. You might have to, too. It's challenging, mentally and physically, and productivity might dip. But guess what? You're not alone, and there's a light at the end of the tunnel, usually around week 13 and beyond.

If you're contemplating a temporary break from exercise until the second trimester, until you regain your energy, I hear you. But I urge you not to hit pause on movement entirely. There are strategies to support your body through this period, making it easier to ramp things up when energy levels make a triumphant return. Trust me; it's worth it. Movement, even in small doses, can do wonders for your mental well-being amid the whirlwind of changes.

Understanding First Trimester Changes: A Dive into Body Transformations

Now, let's delve into what's happening within your body during these initial weeks. First and foremost, your body is hard at work creating the placenta—a vital organ that'll sustain and nourish your baby. This process demands a significant amount of energy, leading to the classic first-trimester fatigue. Embrace the exhaustion; it's a testament to the miraculous journey unfolding within you.

Another player in the pregnancy symphony is relaxin, a hormone tasked with relaxing joints and ligaments, gearing your body for expansion and delivery. While this sets the stage for the beautiful changes to come, it might introduce feelings of instability and lack of balance. If you strength train, you may not notice this quite as much, but it will vary by individual. Embrace the adjustments as your body paves the way for the transformative journey ahead.

Your blood volume is on the rise during the first trimester, a necessary adjustment to support the growing life within you. With increased blood pumping through your veins, expect a rise in resting heart rate—10 to 15 beats per minute higher than usual. This alteration might affect your exercise perceptions, and it's essential to navigate workouts with an awareness of these changes.

Progesterone, a prominent hormone during early pregnancy, surges exponentially. While crucial for your baby's development, this spike can contribute to heightened fatigue. Embrace the need for additional rest and recognize that your body is orchestrating a masterpiece—a new life.

A metabolic shift occurs as your baby begins relying on your blood glucose for energy. This may result in occasional drops in blood sugar, potentially leading to dizziness during or after exercise. Remember, your body is a dynamic landscape adapting to the intricate demands of pregnancy.

Understanding these changes sets the stage for informed decisions regarding exercise modifications and routines tailored to your unique journey.

Tactical Steps: Balancing Exercise and Well-being in the First Trimester

With a foundational understanding of the first trimester landscape, let's explore practical steps—both physical and mental—that can support you through this transformative period.

1. Give Yourself Grace: Embrace the Adjustment

First and foremost, grant yourself copious amounts of grace. Acknowledge that the first trimester is a temporary phase—however challenging it may be. Adjustments are not a sign of weakness; they are a testament to your commitment to supporting your body through this incredible journey. Remember, it's a season, not a sentence.

Picture building a house amid a lumber shortage. You adjust, you pivot, but you keep moving forward. Similarly, your exercise routine might need tweaking, but it doesn't mean pressing the pause button. Understand the difference between adjusting and giving up; the former is a powerful act of self-care.

2. Exercise Modifications: Listen to Your Body

While there's no visible belly yet, exercise modifications are generally unnecessary unless medically advised. However, consider phasing out exercises that involve lying on your belly, anticipating the changes your body will undergo. As you progress into the second trimester, these modifications become increasingly important for comfort and safety.

Exercise caution and avoid high-risk activities like skydiving, scuba diving, and contact sports. Additionally, steer clear of prolonged exposure to high heat or humidity, ensuring your baby's internal temperature remains within a healthy range.

3. Feel-Good Movement: Prioritize Your Well-being

Prioritize feel-good movement during the first trimester. Opt for activities that align with the path of least resistance—both mentally and physically. Whether it's walking, biking, swimming, or low-impact strength training, choose exercises that resonate with your energy levels and bring you joy.

Remember, the little things add up. Even if your workout minutes are fewer than pre-pregnancy, consistent movement fosters a positive foundation. Approach your workouts with a mindset of self-love, focusing on what feels good rather than adhering strictly to previous routines.

4. Aerobic Base: Maintain Cardiovascular Health

Invest a little time in creating and maintaining an aerobic base. Light jogging, walking, cycling—activities that elevate your heart rate without overwhelming your system. Embrace the opportunity to adapt your exercise routine, ensuring you stay connected to your cardiovascular health.

The first trimester might leave you feeling a bit more winded than usual. Don't let this discourage you; instead, recognize it as a natural response to the incredible changes happening within your body. An adaptable aerobic base sets the stage for a smoother transition into subsequent trimesters.

5. Mental Support: Navigating Emotional Changes

Beyond physical adjustments, acknowledge and address the mental toll of the first trimester. Hormonal shifts, physical transformations, and the anticipation of motherhood can impact your emotional well-being. Incorporate movement not just for its physical benefits but as a tool for mental support.

Engage in activities that bring joy and relaxation. Whether it's a gentle yoga session, a peaceful walk, or moments of mindful breathing, prioritize your mental health. The emotional journey is as vital as the physical, and nurturing both aspects contributes to a more balanced and empowered experience.

6. Snack Smart: Combatting Low Blood Sugar

Given the metabolic changes during early pregnancy, be mindful of blood sugar levels during exercise. If you experience dizziness or lightheadedness, consider snacking smart before your workout. A balanced carb-protein snack can provide readily available energy, ensuring both you and your baby receive the necessary fuel.

Conclusion: Embracing the Journey

As we wrap up this exploration of the first trimester, remember—you're not alone. The challenges and adjustments are part of a remarkable journey, one that unfolds with each passing week. Whether you're grappling with fatigue, adapting your exercise routine, or navigating the emotional nuances, know that you're crafting the foundation for a strong and resilient pregnancy.

Feel the grace, honor the changes, and celebrate the strength within you. The first trimester is a chapter—a chapter of growth, transformation, and the gradual emergence of new life. Embrace it with courage, self-compassion, and an unwavering commitment to your well-being.

Stay tuned for our next episode as we journey into the second trimester, exploring further transformations and empowering strategies to navigate this extraordinary adventure. Until then, take each step with intention, embrace the ebb and flow, and revel in the strength of motherhood. Thanks for tuning in, and I'll catch you on the next episode of the Strong Mama Podcast!

xx, Nicole

first trimester pregnancy fitness tips

I’m Nicole, Pre/Postnatal Fitness Coach and founder of Strong Mama Wellness. I take the confusion out of exercising in pregnancy and postpartum and help women strengthen their body for pregnancy, delivery, and recovery. You deserve to have a thriving, healthy pregnancy and postpartum journey!

Keep your pregnancy workouts safe with our FREE Guide!

You’ll learn important exercise modifications for each trimester of pregnancy.

Nicole Scheitlin