Hey mama — is this you?!

▪️ You want to be active but are overwhelmed and confused with ALL the conflicting advice on the internet

▪️ You’ve been winging it with random workouts online but struggle to stay consistent or motivated

▪️You’d rather take a nap than workout but long to feel healthy and more like yourself

▪️You want to feel more comfortable and capable in your body so you can enjoy pregnancy and motherhood more

▪️You don’t have a ton of time for yourself and workouts often get pushed to the back burner

▪️You want to protect, prepare, and strengthen your body to withstand the changes of pregnancy and smoothly recover postpartum

If any of this resonated, you’re in the right place.


Maybe you’ve tried…

〰️ winging it with random workouts online, only to fall off the wagon weeks later

〰️ scrolling your feed saving exercises and workouts you never come back to

〰️ waiting for more free time that never actually comes

〰️ doing workouts from pre-pregnancy but they don’t work for your schedule and current body’s needs

〰️ asking your medical team for advice but it’s all generalized and vague

It’s not your fault - you haven’t been taught to support your body through pregnancy and postpartum

Take it from me, a mom who’s been there and trained MANY women through it…

You’re not alone in your struggles AND you don’t have to stay there.


When we work together, you will:

-feel strong and confident in your body so you can minimize and prevent common pains of pregnancy and motherhood.

-stop feeling overwhelmed by all the content and tips online, the endless scrolling, and second guessing because you’ll have a clear plan.

-prepare your body for the demands of pregnancy, birth, motherhood and whatever life throws your way so you can live your life through this transformative season.

-have the energy and ability to chase your kids, sneeze without peeing your pants, and be the active mom you want to be!

-balance life, motherhood, and self care in a way that’s seamless and actually saves you time.

-get (and stay) motivated without falling off the wagon every time symptoms arise, a kid gets sick, or life happens.


Pre/postnatal Fitness Coach, boy mama (x2), lover of a good glass of red wine and lifting heavy.

I help you exercise safely and confidently so that you can have a strong, active pregnancy, prepare for your ideal labor and delivery, recover efficiently from birth, and love your postpartum body. Most importantly, I want you to feel your absolute BEST during a time of extreme change.

I’m most passionate about helping pregnant and postpartum moms because this season has been the most transformational time of my life and I know how tough it can be. Even a decade of fitness industry experience couldn’t have prepared me for the athletic event of pregnancy, birth, and motherhood.

My practice is rooted in science, not opinions, because you deserve the best care and support for your body in this season. I will help you ditch the overwhelm and confusion so you can simplify your efforts and feel your best!

My credentials: Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science, Certified ACSM Exercise Physiologist, ProNatal Certified Pre/postnatal Fitness Specialist, and Certified ACE Health Coach with over 12 years experience in the fitness industry.

✔️ Initial Assessment and Movement Screen where I get to know you and we work together to establish goals, assess needs, and set a direction for your training plan.

✔️ Personalized Monthly Exercise Plan including a balance of strength training, mobility, core/pelvic floor, and cardio training. Everything is tailored to the space, time, and equipment you have available!

✔️ Intuitive app and flexible calendar with video demonstrations so you have a clear plan and don’t have to waste time thinking about what to do.

✔️ Your program is adjusted and progressed based on your feedback and response to the workouts. The program changes and adapts as you and your needs change. 

✔️ Short Education Modules will help optimize the safety of your workouts and better understand your body’s changes, pelvic floor, and more.

✔️ Monthly Coaching Call for us to connect, overcome obstacles, and develop other supportive lifestyle habits around nutrition, stress, sleep (based on your unique needs).

✔️ Daily Voice/text message access for gentle accountability, form reviews, and answering questions between calls!

Packages vary from 3-6 months, depending on your goals and needs.


You’re Preparing to Get Pregnant

Prepare your body and pelvic floor to carry baby safely and comfortably. You’ll also work on building healthy habits that promote fertility and overall pregnancy wellness.

You Want to Have an Active Pregnancy

Confidently exercise in a way that offsets pregnancy demands so you can stay comfortable, strong, and pain free. Develop habits that stabilize energy levels and support a healthy growth environment for baby while confidently preparing your body for birth and postpartum.

You Want to Recover and Regain Strength postpartum

Regain strength and confidence in a safe way that fits your NEW lifestyle while supporting recovery from birth. You’ll learn to seamlessly fit exercise and healthy habits into your day, feel more functional during daily mom tasks, and start to feel at home in your body again.

You’re a Busy Mom or Woman of Any Life Stage

You’ll get customized fitness, nutrition, and mindset coaching to help you reach whatever goals you have — whether you want to keep up with your kids, tackle a 5K, lose weight, or simply establish a balanced lifestyle. You name it, I got you.