10 Hacks For Your Healthiest Pregnancy!

10 Hacks for your Healthiest Pregnancy

Hey Mama to be!

What comes to mind when you think about the 9 months (or however many you have left) that lie ahead of you?

  • Maybe you think it’s going to be miserable and there’s no way around it…

  • Maybe you are excited but have no idea how to navigate ALL the body changes…

  • And maybe, you’re hoping you’ll get lucky and have no pregnancy pain/symptoms…

If any of those sound familiar, stick with me.

I, too, had ZERO clue what I was in for in terms of body and hormonal changes. I didn’t know if it would be miserable (like everyone says). I wasn’t exactly sure how to continue exercising safely. The list goes on.

But, one thing was for sure.

I wanted to do everything in my power to stay healthy, active, and feel like myself on this 9 month journey.

As I write this post, I’m 37.5 weeks into my pregnancy and, I’m not going to lie, I feel WAY better than I thought I would at this point. With my new certification as a pre/postnatal fitness coach, I’ve applied the strategies directly to my own life and pregnancy, helping me to FEEL good and avoid being miserable as much as possible.

The nitty gritty truth is, there is no getting lucky when it comes to having an “easy pregnancy” (well maybe, but it’s slim pickins!).

Those who feel their best throughout pregnancy PLAN for it.

So my dear, if everyone is telling you that you’re in for a miserable 9 months, it’s time to kick that belief to the CURB and take some action. You deserve to enjoy this journey!

Let’s dive into the 10 Hacks for your Healthiest Pregnancy!

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10 Hacks for your Healthiest Pregnancy

1.     Keep your body strong. 

Maintaining a strength training routine during pregnancy is not only safe, It's key to warding off many pregnancy aches and pains - low back pain, sciatica, pelvic pain, etc. Your body goes through a lot during pregnancy, and strengthening it helps tt take on these changes gracefully.

2.     Eat for 1.1

Have you heard the old saying "eat for two?" Well, this mindset can make you pack on some unhealthy pounds which makes it harder to manage pregnancy pains as well as lose the weight post-baby. You actually don't need any extra calories during the first trimester, while your calorie needs go up by 300 In the second trimester and 450 In the third trimester. These extra calorie needs are important, but it's not exactly eating for two.

3.     Use caution with core

Most core-work is safe during the first trimester, but must be regressed as pregnancy progresses. Once the seconds trimester hits, you'll want to cut out ab-work on your back and cut back on the planking (or at least do them on an Incline).

4.     Dial in your breathing technique

Sounds easy, but many of us do this WAY wrong by "reverse" breathing. Breathing correctly is the first step in activating the deep core muscles needed to support your body during pregnancy, delivery, and recovery. Practice expanding the chest/rib cage on the inhale instead of the opposite.


How are you feeling so far?

These four hacks are among my favorite must-have strategies!

To get ALL 10 Hacks for your Healthiest Pregnancy, I’ve created a clear and simple guide for you. As my free gift to you for wanting to have a healthy pregnancy for you and your babe, you can download it here for free!

I want this journey to be incredible (and fun!) for you and can’t wait for you to dive in.


Final Thoughts

If you’ve been told pregnancy will be the most miserable 9 months of your life or you simply want to do what you can to ensure a healthy, joyful pregnancy, it’s not far-fetched.

It’s extremely possible.

But, in order to make that happen you must be willing to put in the work and train your body/mind. You and your baby will be glad you did!

My 10 Hacks for your Healthiest Pregnancy will get you started right now, whether you’re on month 1 or 7!


Hey there! I’m Nicole, Pre/Postnatal Fitness Coach and founder of Strong Mama Wellness. I take the confusion out of prenatal fitness and help women prepare and strengthen their body for pregnancy, delivery, and recovery. You and your baby deserve to have a vibrant, healthy pregnancy!

Get the Free Guide!

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When you join the Strong Mama Wellness Society, get this free guide & weekly support so you can thrive during your pregnancy!
