3 Things I did During Pregnancy to Prepare for Postpartum

I’m a prepared type of person.

Call me Type A but, if I’m not WAY ahead of the game, I stress out. Anyone else with me on that?

As I write this post, my due date is 5 days away!

I know that having a baby is going to throw my normal routine for a loop and be a big adjustment. I also want to make it as smooth and as enjoyable of an experience as possible for myself and husband.

The “head just above water, survival mode” is not a good look for me - or my marriage.

When I started thinking about what would help me most postpartum, 3 things really stood out.

So today, I’m diving into those 3. Feel free to add a comment if you have anything to add!


1) Make loads of freezer meals

Eating nourishing, regular meals is important to me. It also helps keep my energy and mood in check - which will be so important during this time!

Since I know time will be limited while learning to care for a newborn, I want to have healthy meals ready for us to grab and eat. One less thing on the to-do list is winning in my book!

Here are some freezer meals I made (with the help of my mom!) about 3-4 weeks before my due date:

As for the recipes, I found them all on Pinterest or from my favorite food bloggers. There really was no method to the madness besides choosing a couple recipes for each meal: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. I doubled or tripled many of them!

I estimate this will get us through about 1.5-2 weeks without having to cook much at all. This should allow us some time to form a new routine and pattern of living with a newborn.

2) Stock up on postpartum care essentials

Pushing out a baby is no easy task… so it’s expected for things to be a little uncomfortable down there during the weeks after birth.

My goal is to have a speedy recovery and to be as comfortable as possible in the process.

So, I did my research and there’s a few essentials that popped up on ALL the lists that I’m stocking up on:

  • Depends Underwear - I hear these are a godsend for comfort during the first week or 2.

  • Padsicles - A homemade ice pack/pad creation to help heal down there. I followed this “recipe” and mine are already in the freezer!

  • Granny Panties - Some loose fitting underwear because… comfort.

  • Peri bottle - To keep it clean down there after bathroom trips and support the healing process.

  • Witch Hazel & cotton pads - Again, to keep things clean down there.

  • Belly Band - To help with core and back support; not sure if I will use it or not

I’m sure there are things I am forgetting and will need to grab later, but these are the definite must-haves from what I’ve researched and talked to other ladies about.

Can you think of anything else? Leave a note in the comments if there’s something you would add!

3) Get Educated

The last piece of the puzzle for me was to get educated on the whole new world I’m about to enter!

While I don’t think you can fully be prepared for childbirth or parenting, having a good foundation of knowledge will help me feel more confident on what to expect.

These are some things I found helpful!

Classes - My husband and I took some helpful classes through our hospital. Childbirth education, baby basics, and breastfeeding 101 were the ones we decided to take.

Books - I was given a few great books from family and friends. While I didn’t read them ALL to a tee (they’re very lengthy!) I took what I needed from each.

  • The MamaNatural Pregnancy & Childbirth Book - I liked that this one had a new topic for each week of pregnancy and helped educate me on how to have a natural birth.

  • The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding - Pretty much the breastfeeding bible.

  • What to Expect When You’re Expecting - Helps you know exactly what to expect month to month in your pregnancy and how to deal with common symptoms.

  • What to Expect the First Year - I just started this one, but it breaks down how to care for a baby month by month.

Social Media - Stick with me here. There are some very qualified and credible instagram education accounts that I love to follow! There are tons, but a few of my favorites include:

Podcasts - I love to listen to Mommy Labor Nurse Podcast as well as the to Birth and Beyond Podcast. That’s about the extent I’ve searched so far but I bet there are a bunch I haven’t discovered!

Final Thoughts

A little prep can go a long way, especially if this is your first child. If it’s important to you to feel healthy and energized while speeding up the postpartum recovery process, feel free to steal these steps!

Any pros out there that have something to add, drop me a comment!

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Hey there! I’m Nicole, Pre/Postnatal Fitness Coach and founder of Strong Mama Wellness. I take the confusion out of prenatal fitness and help women prepare and strengthen their body for pregnancy, delivery, and recovery. You and your baby deserve to have a thriving, healthy pregnancy!

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