3 Ways to stick to a workout routine during pregnancy

Ever feel like sticking to a workout routine while pregnant is an uphill battle?

I feel you!

Even if you loved being active before you were expecting, somehow things just seem harder now (and for good reason).

I remember it coming in phases:

First trimester: exhausting. A nap sounded MUCH better than a workout.

Second trimester: I got some energy and motivation back, but didn’t know how to adapt my workouts to my changing body.

Third trimester: more modifications needed, random aches/pains popped up, and it gradually became harder and took more energy to move my body.

In this post, we’ll talk about how to overcome these common challenges so you can stick to a workout routine during pregnancy!

Here we go.

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Challenges of working out during pregnancy

Where to begin?

Even if you were active before pregnancy, working out while growing a little one is a whole new ballpark!

I’ll be honest. I’ve been a fitness professional for 8+ years and thought it would be a piece of cake. But, just like you, I’ve had a hard time adjusting to my changing hormones, body, and motivation levels.

Some specific challenges you might be facing include:

  • Motivation and goals shifting (from focused on “me” to “we”)

  • Extreme exhaustion and fatigue

  • A growing belly “getting in the way”

  • Not knowing what exercises are safe and what’s not

  • Random aches and pains as your body changes

  • Changing hormones that can affect your mood and motivation at any given time

Did I nail it?

Now, let’s shift into the positive and talk about how to combat these.

3 Ways to stick to a workout routine during pregnancy

Step 1: Align your plan with your goals

Decide what your goal for your pregnancy is. What does your ideal pregnancy workout routine look like? How do you want to feel? Strong and confident? Calm and collected?

Once you paint the picture for your goal pregnancy, determine what activities and actions will get you there and help you to feel great.

Also, be sure to think about what is realistic for you, and be prepared for that to change. For example, if you don’t have a ton of energy in the first trimester, don’t commit to 5 workouts/week and set yourself up for failure.

Ultimately, fill your workout plan with activities that align with your pregnancy goals and be flexible!

Step 2: Use the 10 minute Rule

There will come a time (okay many times) when you just don’t want to workout. It’s normal. And it will happen.

Instead of throwing in the towel and plopping on the couch, I like to recommend the 10 minute rule.

Just commit to working out for 10 minutes - maybe that’s a walk or some mobility work. Something to get started.

If you feel like continuing on after 10 minutes, great! Go for it, girl.

If you’re really not feeling the workout still, be proud you moved for 10 minutes and go do something else.

10 minutes is better than no minutes.


Step 3: Cut out the judgement

Pregnancy is a time you need to have immense self compassion. You are going through a totally new experience (even if it’s your 2nd or 7th pregnancy) and there will be hurdles.

Often I find that us ladies (pregnant or not) are our own worst critics.

We’re the first to call ourselves lazy if we take a nap instead of workout and the first to feel guilty and shameful if we give into our cravings.

Listen up lady - you are human!

Judging and criticizing yourself is going to get you nowhere fast and only make you feel worse in the long run, leading to more choices you aren’t proud of. The all-or-nothing spiral will suck you in like quicksand.

So, do yourself a favor and cut the judgement.

Next time you feel “down” about a choice, simply see it as a neutral. Skipped your workout? It is what it is. Tomorrow is a new day. Ice cream for dinner? It is what it is, cook something nourishing tomorrow.

Final Thoughts

You are not alone in having a hard time sticking to your workout routine during pregnancy. There’s a laundry list of challenges we women have to face to keep our bodies strong and healthy, in addition to growing a mini-me!

Remember to keep it simple and apply the 3 strategies listed above to help make for a more empowering journey and routine you can stick to!


Hey there! I’m Nicole, Pre/Postnatal Fitness Coach and founder of Strong Mama Wellness. I take the confusion out of prenatal fitness and help women prepare and strengthen their body for pregnancy, delivery, and recovery. You and your baby deserve to have a thriving, healthy pregnancy!

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