7 DOs and DONTs of Strength Training during Pregnancy

If you have questions surrounding the safety of lifting weights while pregnant, you’re not alone.

Have you ever wondered…

  • Should I avoid lifting anything?

  • Should I just do bodyweight exercises?

  • Should I lift heavy or light weights?

  • What’s the right amount?

  • How hard should I push?

Many expecting mamas are left confused, as they get very little (or even outdated) advice from their medical provider on this topic!

I was one of those mamas!

I’m here to clear that up for you and offer some science-based tips surrounding strength training during pregnancy so you’re equipped and confident in lifting weights with baby on board.

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7 DOs and DONTs of Strength Training during pregnancy

1.     DO get clearance from your doctor

This is step 1 for a reason! Before doing exercise of any kind, be sure your doctor is OK with this. If yes, are there any restrictions you should be conscious of? Higher risk pregnancies may be limited to low intensity exercise, if any.

2.     DON’T just do bodyweight (if you can help it)

While this is a great place to start if you’re new to strength training or don’t have access to weights, there are many GREAT benefits for strength training during pregnancy! It can increase your energy, improve your posture, decrease aches and pains, prepare you for a strong labor/delivery, and aid in recovery after birth. Don’t be afraid to pick up some weights and follow the guidelines below.

3.     DO use a combination of light and heavy weights

Both light and heavier weights have their benefits. Use both! As long as your doctor approves and you feel good, it’s completely OK to push beyond the 3 and 5lb weights. The stronger you are, the better you’ll feel as you gain weight during pregnancy. For some workouts, use lighter weights and higher reps. For others, use heavier weights and lower reps.

4.     DON’T strain or push to exhaustion

If you’re straining to lift something, are unable to maintain good form, have any pain, or feel completely exhausted during or after strength training, that is a red flag. Pay attention to how your body is feeling during and after exercise and tweak as needed.

5.     DO strength train ALL muscle groups

Taking a full-body approach during pregnancy is BEST! This will ensure your body is balanced and strong so it can better handle the demands of pregnancy and keep you pain free. Most women can strength train 2-3x per week, give or take depending on overall routine!

6.     DON’T fall for the myth that you have to lift less than 25lb

This is completely outdated advice that many healthcare providers give (mine did). Some pregnant mamas will need to stay below this threshold, while others may be able to lift over 50+ pounds depending on the exercise. As a rule of thumb, if you can lift something without straining, it’s likely OK. Use the RPE scale in #7 to guide you on appropriate weight.

7.     DO listen to your body

Pregnancy is a great time to truly tune IN to what your body needs and how it feels. During exercise, you can gage how hard you’re pushing by using the RPE scale. RPE stands for Rate of Perceived Exertion. During a workout, rate how you feel on a scale of 1-10 (1 = laying on the couch; 10 = exhausted). I recommend staying within the 6-8 range.

Take Action

I hope I’ve convinced you that strength training during pregnancy is not something to fear! Using the tips and guidelines outlined in this post, put together your plan for including strength training in your prenatal workouts.

If you’re struggling to take consistent action, I can help you. Look into these ways we can work together to ensure you have a safe, structured prenatal fitness plan that brings you strength and confidence pre-baby!


Hey there! I’m Nicole, Pre/Postnatal Fitness Coach and founder of Strong Mama Wellness. I take the confusion out of prenatal fitness and help women prepare and strengthen their body for pregnancy, delivery, and recovery. You and your baby deserve to have a thriving, healthy pregnancy!

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