
I’m Nicole and I help pregnant mamas have an active, healthy pregnancy so they can stay strong, pain-free, and enjoy this special time!

Below is a summary of everything you can find on my site for pregnant and postpartum mamas.

Start exploring where you see fit!

Free Resources & Community!

Join our free Facebook community where you can get access to free weekly content, trainings, and resources to help you live your healthiest pregnancy/postpartum journey.

You’ll also have access to me (a pre/postnatal Fitness Coach) and be able to connect with other ladies on the same path!

Work with me

My online Fitness Coaching programs help soon-to-be mamas stay healthy, strong, and active from bump to birth and beyond! For both pregnant and postpartum women.

Explore the Blog

Read though in-depth blog posts to learn how to safely and effectively workout while pregnant, avoid aches and pains, recover postpartum, and establish good healthy habits through it all.

Meet Nicole

Who am I and why should you trust me? Learn about my background and the story of how I got passionate about pre/postnatal fitness.