Uncovering Myths of the Pre-Baby Body

The phrase “pre-baby body” is an illusion.

I am very aware that this opinion may ruffle some feathers, but hear me out.

There’s a lot of talk in the fitness and motherhood space about bouncing back to our pre-baby body.

I call BS on this.

I don’t consider anyone to have their pre-baby body no matter how much they look like they “bounced back.”

When you have a baby, your body changes physically and physiologically. Striving for our former body shape can lead to disappointment if we’re not careful. Because there is no guarantee we will have that exact body shape ever again.

And I want you to know that, while this could be true, it’s completely OK.

Let’s uncover the myths that keep us stuck in this endless loop of striving and comparison.


My Personal Postpartum Body Experience

At 1 year postpartum with consistent nutrition and exercise, my stomach still has an extra layer of love than it had before, my booty is flatter, and my belly button has become a half outie.

As a breastfeeding mom, that area of my body has changed a whole lot too. My clothes now fit much differently than they did before pregnancy.

Now, I could endlessly compare myself to my pre-pregnant self and other mamas posting perfectly angled photos on the gram, but that doesn’t help anyone.

Instead, I am choosing to acknowledge that this is what my body wants to do right now, and no amount of force or restriction is going to change it (at least not that I’m willing to try!).

Myth 1: If you diet and exercise enough, you will return to your pre-baby body

While it’s a good marketing strategy, there is no guarantee.

And I want to offer that if being healthy and happy is truly important to you, diet and restriction is not something that will serve you well.

As I stated above in my personal experience, things are different now with my body.

The trouble Is, many moms think this is a bad thing. We strive to return to that pre-baby weight or shape and are disappointed if it’s not happening… or not happening quick enough.

Just because your body is different does not make it bad.

Just because your body is this shape right now, doesn’t mean it won’t ever change again. It also doesn’t mean that it will change if you submit yourself to diets and crazy workout routines.

If you wrestle with these thoughts and tend to fall prey to diet culture, I encourage you to read step the rest of this post thoroughly.

Myth 2: Getting your pre-baby body back will make you look like you have it all together

I have to admit, this one tripped me up a little in the early stages of postpartum.

This feels slightly embarrassing to admit, but it’s important that I’m transparent on this.

Feelings of validation would creep in whenever I heard people say “oh, you look great!” or “you don’t even look like you just had a baby” or even “wow, you’re already back to your pre-pregnancy weight?”

At the time I didn’t realize it but it felt like others would think I “had it all together” when I very much felt that I did not.

I was after the image and illusion of being that girl that just “bounces back” even though that goes against everything I teach now.

If this sounds familiar, I encourage you to notice when these thoughts pop up and know that you don’t need to impress anyone but your baby (and you’re already doing a great job of that).

And also, when you’re talking to a new mom, be aware of your language and how it might affect them. “You’re doing amazing” and “How are you feeling?” go a lot further than, “you look great” and “you bounced back quick, great job.”

I say this not because you have to tiptoe around anyone else’s feelings but becoming a new mom is a very vulnerable time and a little change in wording goes a long way!

Myth 3: You have to put off being confident and happy until you’ve returned to pre-baby shape

It may sound silly, but many of us do this unconsciously, without even realizing it.

We step on the scale daily and let that determine our mood for the day, or track calories in an app and let that be the judge of how well we’re doing.

No, No, No.

Try asking yourself this: How do you ultimately want to feel under this illusion of having your pre-baby body back?

I’ll go first:

  • Confident in my body and movement

  • Strong and capable in daily life

  • Feeling energized and happy

  • Proud of myself for being a role model for my son

Do I need my pre-baby body to feel those things?


And I’d like to offer that neither do you, mama.

It’s possible to honor your body while also wanting to improve yourself in some way.

Let’s shift our focus to exercise and eating healthy for us, for our family, for our own energy. Not some illusion of feeling better once we look a certain way.

Send this post to a new mama in your life. Thanks for being here.

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I’m Nicole, Pre/Postnatal Fitness Coach and founder of Strong Mama Wellness! I take the confusion out of prenatal fitness and help women prepare and strengthen their body for pregnancy, delivery, and recovery. You deserve to have a thriving, healthy pregnancy and postpartum journey!

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