How to Actually Activate Your 'Deep Core' in Pregnancy and Postpartum

In pregnancy and postpartum there’s a lot of buzz around the term ‘deep core’ and activating it during exercise.

But I’ve found that, for as often as it’s talked about, women aren’t really taught how to activate their deep core muscles effectively.

There are tons of benefits to strengthening and activating your deep core during pregnancy and postpartum, which we will cover shortly.

Get ready to dive into what your deep core is, why you need to strengthen it, and how to activate it correctly!


Where Exactly is the ‘Deep Core?’

Your ‘deep core’ refers to the deepest layer of your abdominals - the TVA (transverse abdominis).

The TVA lies under your 6 pack muscles (rectus abdominis) and serves as the “corset” of your midsection, wrapping around your belly and waist.

Here’s a picture for my visual learners out there:


Why Should You Train Your Deep Core?

There are several benefits of strengthening your deep core in pregnancy and postpartum, so let’s list them out!

  1. Helps to heal or prevent the worsening of diastasis recti (abdominal separation)

  2. Helps the uterus push your baby out in active labor

  3. Aids in a quicker postpartum recovery and safety as you return to exercise

  4. Creates better stability which decreases the risk of injury, back pain, and other common aches/pains

  5. Supports pelvic floor health

  6. Stabilizes your pelvis, resulting in less pelvic pain during pregnancy

Related Podcast episode: The Truth About Doing Abs in Pregnancy

How to Activate Your Deep Core Correctly

Proper form with this is key to targeting the right muscle group.

A common mistake I hear some trainers teaching is “pull your belly button to your spine” which can actually be very bad for your core and pelvic floor. This action of sucking in can actually put pressure and strain on the pelvic floor which can result it problems now or later (incontinence, leakage, prolapse, etc.).

Deep core activation is taught best with a visual, so I will link to a video I posted on Instagram below. However, I will do my best to explain with a couple key cues for you to think about as you work to activate your deep core.

Steps to activate your deep core:

  1. Take a big 360 inhale through your nose, expanding the belly and ribcage

  2. Exhale through pursed lips while simultaneously lifting your pelvic floor and bracing your core

    • As you brace your core, think about pulling your hip bones together AND drawing your navel up and in

*For a visual and audio demonstration of deep core activation, click here!*

Related Podcast Episode: The Best Kept Secret for a Healthier Core and Pelvic Floor

Final Thoughts

You should now have a better understanding of your deep core. Take this and go practice it in your daily life as well as your workouts!

Deep core breathing is great to practice while driving, washing dishes, or other mindless tasks. Once you get the hang of it, try to incorporate this method into your strength workouts by remembering to exhale on exertion (the hardest part of an exercise).

Want more? Grab my FREE pregnancy exercise guide!

[Free Guide] Pregnancy Exercise Modifications by Trimester


deep core pregancy

I’m Nicole, Pre/Postnatal Fitness Coach, mom of 2, and founder of Strong Mama Wellness. I help women prepare and strengthen their body for pregnancy, birth, postpartum and beyond.


Free Pregnancy Guide!

Stay safe and confident in your exercise routine with these important modifications for each trimester of pregnancy.